Parent Coaching: A Shift in Parenting for this Generation

The way that we speak to our children becomes their inner voice.

What’s Going On For Your Child

Your child’s development is directly linked with the relationship that you have with him or her. Who you are being and the actions that arise from that place inside of you are keenly important. What you are providing affects your child’s brain development and has the potential to lead to a secure attachment and a child who is emotionally able to regulate, that is, to stay internally present with their difficult emotions when they arise. Their healthy development of social-emotional skills, or to use the popular term, “emotional intelligence,” is fostered by your skillful parenting.

What’s Going On For You

When we become parents, we are thrown into the demanding challenge of providing for the needs of a brand new little human being who is reliant on us for their well-being. Suddenly, our world is decentralized and changed forever, and our responsibilities are multiplied. Often, we automatically rely on what we currently carry inside as the best solution or reaction for a given situation. Whenever we are required to act quickly, we pull it from our “files.” In those instances, we are grateful for the sense of certainty these automatic ways of responding provide for our new role.

As Our Kids Grow

While our children are very young, everything can appear to be going well. Then, with the arrival of the school years and eventually the transition to adolescence, new complexities arise and all prior developmental growth is being tested for its soundness. If something seems amiss, and you approach your child using conventional parenting methods and out-of-touch assumptions, your son or daughter may well be left struggling with his or her discomfort or acting it out in ways that are problematic. You may find yourself worrying, wondering what has gone wrong.

Moving Beyond Automatic Parenting Responses

My parent coaching shows you how to shift away from automatic parenting responses and, instead, connect with your child or your teen— listening and hearing them fully, being totally present with them. Your capacity to really connect and communicate enables them to feel safe, secure, seen, and supported. It allows you to create the conditions for making a difference in the right direction. An equally key provision for children and teens is the sort of boundary that gives them the profoundly substantial advantage of a sense of safety and healthy containment. Setting boundaries is often a particularly challenging area for parents and, with parent coaching, you will be able to do so with ease.

If you would like to explore how parent coaching can fundamentally shift your comfort and success in parenting, please contact Cathy Busch, LCSW at: (415) 215-1339 or email: